Showing posts with label Lovely spot.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lovely spot.. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Landscape at St` Johns.6x8 oils on board.

This subject is next door to St` Johns Church.

Just five minutes from me.Again it is a subject

that I have been wanting to paint for some time

now,and I managed it on Monday morning last.

Actually I did a colour sketch or a painting if

you like to call it there, and wasn`t happy with

it, so I did another from it at Home.When I

turned up to do the painting,there were two

chaps there right where i wanted to sit and

paint.So i asked them if I would be in their

way if I sat right there,and i pointed where,

so they said no mate.After about 15minutes

one of them came up and said,oh! your an

Artist then.My head got bigger and I said

rather modestly,yes.That made my day.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Shoreham Kent.12x17 oils on Canvas board.

Shoreham kent is a lovely Village with

lots of subjects to paint,This one is

just off the main Highstreet,in a nice

quiet spot.Again I did this from a colour

sketch that I did on site.The old boy

coming up the pathway wasn`t there,

I added him afterwards.