This scene is just up the road to Chevening Church which lays behind this view. Again, it is another lovely country Village area, with lots of subject matter.
This is a scene close to Charing Cross Station London. It`s from a photograph that I took whilst visiting an exhibition of Impressionistic paintings at a London Gallery. I have been painting it for about three weeks now, but in between other paintings. I don`t like to be too long on any one painting, I get bored.
This painting, Bright Clouds, is in the lake district. I was there ages ago on Holiday and this is from one of many photos I took then. There is more to come.
Fluffy is my sons Cat, and he is gorgeous. He has a problem with his hind leg, so he has a splint to support it. After paying out £400 to the Vet, they still don`t know what the problem is. The vet is happy anyway!
This is a portrait of our Dog Sandy. She died about 12yrs ago. She was a Rottweiler but didn`t live up`to her image that people seem to give Rottweilers. She was a brilliantly lovable Animal and she was our baby. I have painted and drew her several times and I think this is the best likeness of her that I have done.