Monday, 1 April 2013

Here it is. My new Studio extention. It is amazing how much more room it has given me. I`m no good a sign writing, but this will do. Painting coming up soon.


  1. Love the sign and so happy it is done. Will you be taking some photos of the interior. Looking forward to your next painting. Enjoy your studio my friend.

    All the best to you,

  2. Congratulations on your new space. Hope we get to see the inside!

  3. Hi Joan.
    The extention part is bare at the moment, and I want to put some shelves up later. As you walk in through that front door, it`s bare, you then turn left into the actual studio. There is a bit of the actual studio wall still there and there is a doorway leading into it. The extention is mainly for shelving and to keep the cold out from where I actualy paint, nice and cosy. I probably try and take some photos to show you and you might be able to understand it more. Thank you my friend. All the best.

  4. Hi Ann.
    Thank you for your congratulations. I`m over the moon with the extra space. If you read what I have told joan above, it will save me writing it all again. All the best Ann.

  5. It seems very narrow, but glad you now have more space to do so. Congratulations with your new space.

  6. Hi Renske.
    Thank you for your comment. If you read my answer to Joan above, you will understand the layout of my studio. It was an 8x6 Shed, now it is an 12x6 shed. It is large enough for me to paint in. All the best renske.
