Thursday, 17 September 2009

Golden Eagle. 6x8 oils on board.

He was looking at me from one eye, seeming to say "you dare paint me!" So it was a good job I had a photograph of him eh?.


  1. Hi Vic

    I moved you to the #1 spot on my blog. I want people to see what a fine artist you are. The Eagle has landed, where did I hear that? Was it a title to a movie, oh, well, it doesn't matter. Great job, Vic. Happy painting.


  2. Thank you Joan for that Number one spot. That
    is very good of you. The Eagle has landed was
    the title of a film. I seem to remember that
    it was a war film. But this Eagle believe it
    or not, was on a programme on the T/V, and I took a photo of it. There is no way you are
    going to be able to get a live Photograph of
    an Eagle, unless you are a wild life Photographer. Thanks again Joan and all the best
    my friend.
